Unbidden Tongues #5:
Theresa Hak Kyung Cha:
Between the Teeth
November 28, 2021 – January 22, 2022, Manifold Books, Amsterdam
Drawing on artist, poet and filmmaker Theresa Hak Kyung Cha’s extensive and largely unexhibited archive of 'work on paper', Unbidden Tongues #5: Between the Teeth is a publication-turned-exhibition and the fifth title in the series. From never-realised film scripts to concrete poetry and artists statements written intimately in the first person, the collection of material selected for this occasion presents the varying ways with which Cha drew on her personal and familial experience as an immigrant to conceptually grapple with language and its mediation and suppression, particularly, in this case, in its written form.
The exhibition is accompanied by a public program, which focuses on other equally important aspects of her practice, including her prose writing and filmic output:
Film screening
Organised as part of Playbill by Martha Jager and Isabelle Sully
January 13, 2022, 8pm
Torpedo Theater, Amsterdam
The film screening at Torpedo Theater is part of Playbill (a new series of events curated by Martha Jager and Isabelle Sully). Focusing in on Cha’s video works, the screening draws on a letter written by Cha that was found in de Appel archive by Martha Jager.
Reading group
Organised with Arnisa Zeqo and
Sara Giannini
December 10, 2021, 3–5pm
January 21, 2022, 3–5pm
The reading group, titled Lineages, begins with a close reading of Cha’s novel Dictée. It acts as a common thread that binds the presentation by Unbidden Tongues to a forthcoming project taking place at Rongwrong in the spring of 2022, curated by Sara Giannini and Arnisa Zeqo.
Photos by Maartje Fliervoet