The Perpetual Citizen
Newspaper template, plaque, temporary newsroom and resulting newspaper,
43.2 x 29.7 x 0.5cm
The Perpetual Citizen is roaming a newsroom and newspaper first established in November 2020 at A Tale of A Tub in Rotterdam. Developed in the context of an art institution located in the centre of a modernist residential complex named after the founder of the first tabloid-style newspaper in the Netherlands, Justus van Effen, The Perpetual Citizen will continue on setting up temporary newsrooms in art spaces and publishing editions whenever and wherever seems fitting. Standing as both a news report and a report of audience engagement, the newspaper is especially interested in art spaces in residential areas—this immediate audience being the perpetual citizens, as it were.
The first edition of The Perpetual Citizen was published and delivered to residents on January 23, 2021, in the context of the exhibition UX, User Experience, U and X: An exhibition ecosystem by The Practice of Brenda Tempelaar, held from November 14, 2020 – January 24, 2021, at A Tale of A Tub, Rotterdam. See more about the issue here.
Photo by Pilar Mata Dupont